
10 Money Saving Tips

Financial 101

Published in partnership with Spirit 105.3

It always a great time to check our finances and be a little more frugal. Inflation is stretching all our budgets thin, which is an added reason saving a little extra money never hurts.

Here are a few ways to find some savings right now in your budget!

  1. Make coffee at home. Making coffee at home can save a ton of money. You may not even realize how much money you are spending. Don’t cut it out completely but assign certain days to enjoy the more expensive stuff.
  2. Start a budget. If you don’t have one already, start a budget. It’s a great way to track your expenses so you can take charge of where your money is really going.
  3. Meal Planning. Take some time to plan out your meals for the week. This will help you cut down on shopping costs at the store. Plus, when you have a plan you will be much less likely to eat out.
  4. Pay Cash. There is a lot of researching showing that you spend way less money when using cash vs. credit cards.
  5. Check that furnace. Now is a great time to check that filter to allow maximum flow through your home and keep you warmer without having to turn up the heat.
  6. Smart Thermostat. Investing in a smart thermostat is another great way to save money long-term. It can help turn the heat up and down automatically when you aren’t home.
  7. Shop Private Labels. Skip the name brand stuff when you can.
  8. Join Free Groups & Shop Second Hand. Most communities have a free group, often found on Facebook, where people can easily give away items. This is a great way for neighbors to help neighbors.
  9. Subscriptions. Make a list of all the subscriptions you have and consider if they are all necessary. These things can easily add up and sneak into the budget. Don’t forget that some subscriptions are through other services. You may have a streaming subscription through your cell phone carrier or a magazine subscription through somewhere like Amazon. They can remain hidden in your budget and easily forgotten.
  10. Review Your Insurance. Take the time to review your insurance policies and make sure you have the direct coverage. You want to make sure you don’t have too little or too much.

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